Cooldudes of Berlin-Mitte, part 1:
Why have the men of Berlin have got the fashion thing down pat?
Why’s dat? They seem to be less confined by trends. I’m always coming across these dudes in Berlin Mitte who are true trailblazers, or maybe not even trailblazers. They just have their very own personal sense of style —and that’s what I envy, that’s what I aspire to without even knowing that I aspire to anything when I get dressed in the morning. I just know that when I go out of the house and I feel good, it’s usually because I’ve put an outfit that won’t be replicated by anyone at any time. That is, I, too, am no trailblazer, no trendmaker, but rather a trend(e)scaper when I feel my best. (That sounds like a wear a bungee cord around my waist, even when I’m just going out to grab coffee, right? The reality is that i never “grab” coffee. I sit there for hours on end with one and bark at all the environmentally unfriendly to-go cuppers!)
This is also why sleepwalking into Zara is also ridden with guilt. Not just the human-rights guilt, but also the trend-victim kinda guilt. I feel like my own rights to my own decisions are being guided by the invisible hand of the market telling me that I need another (impossible to iron) ruffle shirt! Where is my willpower?
Herewith a plea to myself that if I just stick to the aforementioned cooldude look, I’m going to get better—eventually—at escaping the (mental and literal) clutches of Zara.
lesson no 1:
Pull up your dad socks up high and roll up those trousers. To state the obvious, stripes, checks and plaid work best when worn altogether.
lesson no 2:
Burlap sacks can be made into cool crossbody accessoires that make everything look paleo cool, especially when carrying a big stick you found in the local park.
lesson no 3:
Jazz up a button-down (office!) shirt by putting a net shirt underneath and call yourself the catch of the day!
lesson no 4: